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"Weird behavior is natural in smart children.. like curiosity is to a kitten." Hunter S. Thompson

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Reorganized Workroom

It took weeks. Larry said it had reached 'critical mass'. Every corner was crammed with junk. I relieved the pressure by throwing the bulky junk in the hall (batting scraps, upholstry fabric, quilting samples) Then mom went to the hospital and we stepped over it (and on it) for at least a week. I decided it needed a serious reconstruction so I got drawers, bins, pegboard, tubs for the art supplies, and I actually (gasp) vacuumed. (OK OK- I didnt vacuum, my daughter Josie did - what a babe!) Larry mounted stuff on the wall for me. Ian organized the pegboard! Here's the finished product.

Under the quilting machine table: art bin project boxes, drawers with batik FQs, tubs with scraps, tub-O-art supplies. Upper shelves - more unfinished quilts and dolls
Upper shelves - scraps & FQs (not batik) UFOs orphan blocks & novelty fabrics in the lower drawers. Rulers, thread & tools on the wall. YAY!!! Look! I can work at the desk.