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"Weird behavior is natural in smart children.. like curiosity is to a kitten." Hunter S. Thompson

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Strawberry Wine Adventures

Today I started a batch of strawberry wine.
I used About 10 lbs of Strawberries

Puree in the blender.

Add 5lbs of sugar - put in a straining bag inside a fermenting bucket.
Smells like strawberry jam mmmm.

Add the juice of 4 or 5 limes, and a cup of strong tea (4 tea bags)

Add the other ingredients, (except the yeast) and about 2 gallons of boiling water.
Looks nasty now! Those are a million strawberry seeds floating on top.
Cover and stir for 24 hours and add the yeast. Ferment!! Ferment!!
Check out the 2 berries I didn't puree! I switched to the blender as soon as I realized how long it would take to chop them all up.