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"Weird behavior is natural in smart children.. like curiosity is to a kitten." Hunter S. Thompson

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Lil gadget bags

I started making these and they are FUN! Thanks MaryAnn for the idea.

These are made from a 7" X 9"rectangle of fabric (embellished or not),
a 7" zipper and some fusible batting.

Fuse the fabric to a piece of fusible batting. (I love that stuff!) quilt if desired.

Sew the zipper to the short side. stick a little strap at the top of the zipper. (I made them from 2" wide fabric turned twice to make 1/2" straps.

Sew the 2 ends wonky from each other, turn right side out and viola!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

2 cousins and a half

Look at these 2 artsy funny boys.