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"Weird behavior is natural in smart children.. like curiosity is to a kitten." Hunter S. Thompson

Friday, November 13, 2009

Killing the alien with Beams of Light!

I had my first radiation treatment yesterday. It was scary being bolted to the table and trapped in the mask. It was very tight. I was pinned down for 30 min. Then they beamed in the radiation, loud noises and 100s of bright beams of light. I felt warmth and visualized the light evacuating the alien. KILLING the alien.

I thought a hat was appropriate for the cancer patient.

Here's the big machine and the mask waiting for me.

"The Mask"

Here they are bolting me to the table. There are 11 points where they are aiming the radiation. The machine turns then I see a bright bright light when it shines near my nose and eyes. The are radiating my neck as well and I dont see the bright light those times. It was 100s of loud turns then the LIGHT.

Afterwards.... Waffle Face!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Strawberry Wine Adventures

Today I started a batch of strawberry wine.
I used About 10 lbs of Strawberries

Puree in the blender.

Add 5lbs of sugar - put in a straining bag inside a fermenting bucket.
Smells like strawberry jam mmmm.

Add the juice of 4 or 5 limes, and a cup of strong tea (4 tea bags)

Add the other ingredients, (except the yeast) and about 2 gallons of boiling water.
Looks nasty now! Those are a million strawberry seeds floating on top.
Cover and stir for 24 hours and add the yeast. Ferment!! Ferment!!
Check out the 2 berries I didn't puree! I switched to the blender as soon as I realized how long it would take to chop them all up.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Padded Wine Bottle or Glass Pipe Bag

This week I worked on a customized bag to carry your delicate glassware items, such as a wine bottle or a glass pipe. It has an ultra padded interior lining that is completely removable and washable (in case you crash your bike and break the bottle , in which case YOU will need washing up as well) . It holds a big bottle of wine or 16" pipe and will stand up on its own.

This is made from a pair of recycled jeans, appliqued with batik. It comes with a cute decorated back pocket and has an adjustable strap made from the waistband.. The lining has a drawstring and button to keep your wine safe and secure. Round padded bottom as well. The lining is 100% cotton double filled with hi loft poly batting.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fractured Rose

The Art Quilt group at CCQ is doing a challenge with fractured photos.
We selected from a big bunch of photos, and in the end chose 2. 1 is a rose, which happened to be a photo I took at the Portland Rose Garden.

First I printed it the finished size, and drew around the petals to use them as a pattern.

Then I painted each petal on white muslin using acrylic paints.
I cut them out and assembled them on parchment paper, and fused them together

I fused the whole shebang to a piece of green fabric 17" square. Then I stitched around the petals with about 5 different pink threads.
We are going to cut them up later today, pass out the pieces and make a fractured flower from the pieces of everybody's work. FUN!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Reorganized Workroom

It took weeks. Larry said it had reached 'critical mass'. Every corner was crammed with junk. I relieved the pressure by throwing the bulky junk in the hall (batting scraps, upholstry fabric, quilting samples) Then mom went to the hospital and we stepped over it (and on it) for at least a week. I decided it needed a serious reconstruction so I got drawers, bins, pegboard, tubs for the art supplies, and I actually (gasp) vacuumed. (OK OK- I didnt vacuum, my daughter Josie did - what a babe!) Larry mounted stuff on the wall for me. Ian organized the pegboard! Here's the finished product.

Under the quilting machine table: art bin project boxes, drawers with batik FQs, tubs with scraps, tub-O-art supplies. Upper shelves - more unfinished quilts and dolls
Upper shelves - scraps & FQs (not batik) UFOs orphan blocks & novelty fabrics in the lower drawers. Rulers, thread & tools on the wall. YAY!!! Look! I can work at the desk.