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"Weird behavior is natural in smart children.. like curiosity is to a kitten." Hunter S. Thompson

Friday, November 13, 2009

Killing the alien with Beams of Light!

I had my first radiation treatment yesterday. It was scary being bolted to the table and trapped in the mask. It was very tight. I was pinned down for 30 min. Then they beamed in the radiation, loud noises and 100s of bright beams of light. I felt warmth and visualized the light evacuating the alien. KILLING the alien.

I thought a hat was appropriate for the cancer patient.

Here's the big machine and the mask waiting for me.

"The Mask"

Here they are bolting me to the table. There are 11 points where they are aiming the radiation. The machine turns then I see a bright bright light when it shines near my nose and eyes. The are radiating my neck as well and I dont see the bright light those times. It was 100s of loud turns then the LIGHT.

Afterwards.... Waffle Face!!!

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